Igreja Presbiteriana de João Monlevade reinaugura Templo
Jumat, 30 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 17.44 0 komentar
A Igreja Presbiteriana de João Monlevade convida a todos para um Culto de reinauguração do Templo, neste domingo (02), às 19h. A igreja, localizada na avenida Getúlio Vargas, 391, em Carneirinhos, passou por uma grande roforma nos últimos três meses em sua estrutura física, agora com a entrada principal pela avenida Getúlio Vargas, ao lado da Ofipeças Ren. A igreja que completou 37 anos de organização no mês de Novembro,será homenageada pela Câmara Municipal no próximo dia 12, com o Título de Honra ao Mérito, uma iniciativa do presidente da Casa Legislativa, vereador Pastor Carlinhos (PV).
Announcing the Africa News Innovation Challenge winners
Diposting oleh Unknown di 09.54 0 komentar
Digital tools are an increasing impetus for innovation across African newsrooms. From crowdsourcing content to using infographics to tell stories, journalists are finding new ways to report the news. We're excited to be supporting these innovators through the $1 million Africa News Innovation Challenge, announced in May this year—the latest in a series of projects to spur innovation in African journalism.
Run by the the African Media Initiative, other partners include Omidyar Network, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the U.S. State Department, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). The response to the challenge was really enthusiastic, with more than 500 proposals submitted.
The 20 winners are all exciting digital journalism projects that will contribute to solving some of the biggest challenges facing the African media industry. They range from mobile apps to mobilise citizens against corruption and improved infographics to communicate complex issues, to developing new platforms for sharing content on buses and taxis. Key themes among the projects include a growing concern about manipulated online content, the security of communications with whistleblowers and sources, and the need to improve engagement with audiences.
The projects have the potential to be replicated by media elsewhere in Africa, or to be scaled up across the continent, to create wide and sustained impact. Some projects will also develop new tools to support newsrooms and boost media revenues to support sustainable journalism. Winners will receive cash grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000; technology support from a team of four developers at AMI’s jAccelerator lab in Kenya, and business development support from top media strategists affiliated with the World Association of Newspapers & News Publishers. Ten of the winners will also be flown to the Knight Foundation’s annual M.I.T. Civic Media Conference in the U.S., while the rest will be showcased at other important industry events.
The ANIC winners are:
You can learn more about the winners’ projects on the ANIC website.
We can’t wait to see how these innovations unfold and we look forward to working with more African journalists to help them use technologies to tell important stories.
Posted by Julie Taylor, Communications Manager, Sub Saharan Africa
(Cross-posted from the Africa Blog)
Run by the the African Media Initiative, other partners include Omidyar Network, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the U.S. State Department, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). The response to the challenge was really enthusiastic, with more than 500 proposals submitted.
The 20 winners are all exciting digital journalism projects that will contribute to solving some of the biggest challenges facing the African media industry. They range from mobile apps to mobilise citizens against corruption and improved infographics to communicate complex issues, to developing new platforms for sharing content on buses and taxis. Key themes among the projects include a growing concern about manipulated online content, the security of communications with whistleblowers and sources, and the need to improve engagement with audiences.
The projects have the potential to be replicated by media elsewhere in Africa, or to be scaled up across the continent, to create wide and sustained impact. Some projects will also develop new tools to support newsrooms and boost media revenues to support sustainable journalism. Winners will receive cash grants ranging from $10,000 to $100,000; technology support from a team of four developers at AMI’s jAccelerator lab in Kenya, and business development support from top media strategists affiliated with the World Association of Newspapers & News Publishers. Ten of the winners will also be flown to the Knight Foundation’s annual M.I.T. Civic Media Conference in the U.S., while the rest will be showcased at other important industry events.
The ANIC winners are:
- actNOW (Ghana)
- AdBooker (South Africa)
- Africa Check (South Africa / Nigeria)
- skyCAM (Kenya / Nigeria)
- Africa’s Wealth (renamed NewsStack) (Nigeria / Namibia)
- Citizen Desk (Mozambique)
- Code4Ghana (Ghana)
- ConvergeCMS (Kenya / Tanzania / Uganda)
- CorruptionNET (South Africa)
- DataWrapper (Nigeria / Senegal / Tanzania)
- End-to-End (renamed LastMile Crowdmapping) (Liberia / Ghana / Kenya)
- FlashCast (Kenya)
- Green Hornet (South Africa)
- ListeningPost (South Africa)
- MoJo: Keeping media honest by monitoring online journalism (South Africa)
- openAFRICA (Kenya / Nigeria / Rwanda / South Africa)
- ODADI (renamed Code4SouthAfrica) (South Africa)
- Oxpeckers (South Africa)
- Wikipedia Zero (Cameroon / Ivory Coast / Tunisia / Uganda)
- ZeroNews (pan-African)
You can learn more about the winners’ projects on the ANIC website.
We can’t wait to see how these innovations unfold and we look forward to working with more African journalists to help them use technologies to tell important stories.
Posted by Julie Taylor, Communications Manager, Sub Saharan Africa
(Cross-posted from the Africa Blog)
Polícia Militar prende jovem com mais de 20 pedras de crack
Kamis, 29 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.50 0 komentar
Policiais militares, em patrulhamento pelo bairro Cruzeiro Celeste, em João Monlevade, abordaram o adolescente Brian Gomes, de 18 anos, e encontraram com ele, 27 pedras de substância semelhante a crack, e 11 buchas de outra substância parecida com maconha. O material estava dentro do bolso da blusa do jovem, prontos para venda e consumação. Também foi encontrado com o suspeito um celular. No aparelho tinham várias fotos do jovem esbanjando dinheiro. Além de fotografia junto a um pé de maconha. A Polícia Militar deu voz de prisão ao autor e o conduziu para a delegacia.
Hospital Margarida de João Monlevade divulga nota sobre a falta recursos devidos da prefeitura
Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.48 0 komentar
Como uma instituição beneficente, que tem como objetivo atender bem a população não só de João Monlevade, mas também de toda a região, o Hospital Margarida vem a público esclarecer alguns pontos referente ao convênio com a Prefeitura de João Monlevade. É sabido que o convênio é para manutenção do Pronto Atendimento da casa de saúde, ou seja, serviço de urgência e emergência. Esse tipo de serviço é obrigação do Executivo de manter, mas como João Monlevade não conta com infraestrutura para isso, o hospital supre essa necessidade, mediante o pagamento de R$200 mil. Esse pagamento se faz necessário, porque como uma instituição beneficente, o Hospital Margarida não conta com verba para manter, sozinha, o serviço. Outra informação que é de conhecimento da população, imprensa e autoridades políticas, é a constante redução do repasse. A atual gestão municipal começou com o convênio de R$260 mil, passou para R$230 mil e chegou a R$200 mil. Esse último acordo foi feito durante encontro apenas entre o corpo clínico e a Prefeitura, já que em nenhum momento algum membro da diretoria e administração do hospital foi convidado a participar do encontro. O valor de R$200 mil cobre apenas os plantões dos médicos, sendo que as demais despesas, como recursos humanos, materiais e medicamentos, geram ônus mensal de R$100 mil ao hospital, ônus esse administrado para que a população não seja prejudicada pela ingerência financeira do município. Mais recentemente, houve uma tentativa por parte da Prefeitura de João Monlevade em reduzir o valor do convênio firmado com o Hospital Margarida para atendimento e manutenção do Pronto Atendimento desta casa de saúde, de R$200 mil para R$57 mil. O argumento usado pelo Executivo era de que o hospital seria contemplado com o Programa Rede Resposta Hospitalar, do Governo Estadual. Esse programa, que repassa mensalmente ao Hospital Margarida R$180 mil, desde que seja cumprida toda a escala de plantão, viria a somar com o valor do convênio com o Executivo monlevadense. Após várias tentativas de agendar reunião com a Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, a diretoria do Hospital Margarida solicitou reunião com a Secretaria de Estado de Saúde, na Cidade Administrativa, em Belo Horizonte. Participaram do encontro representantes do Executivo monlevadense, do Hospital Margarida, do Governo Estadual, do Ministério Público, e do Conselho Regional de Medicina. Conforme já afirmado pelo Hospital Margarida à Secretaria de Saúde de João Monlevade, o repasse do Executivo tem que ser mantido até o final do contrato, que é janeiro de 2013, já que o convênio com o Governo de Minas Gerais é complementar, e não substitutivo, conforme expresso em contrato. Por isso, a Prefeitura não reduziu o repasse. Mesmo com todo o esforço por parte do Hospital Margarida, é recorrente a falta de médicos para atender no Pronto Atendimento da casa de saúde. Isso porque o repasse feito pela Prefeitura vem sofrendo constante redução e atraso. Atualmente é de R$ 200 mil, desde que seja cumprido 100% dos plantões, o que não vem ocorrendo. Como o Hospital Margarida é uma instituição beneficente, depende exclusivamente do repasse do Executivo para o pagamento dos profissionais. Com os recorrentes atrasos e reduções, isso vem sendo feito fora do prazo, o que desperta a insatisfação e desinteresse da classe médica. Como conseqüência, temos falhas na escala de plantão, o que compromete também o repasse do Governo Estadual. O ciclo passa a ser vicioso, e por isso é necessário uma força conjunta entre o Poder Público, médicos e diretoria do Hospital Margarida para que a comunidade não seja prejudicada. Mas esse não é o entendimento do Executivo. O pagamento do convênio, referente ao mês de outubro, não foi feito até a data de hoje, 29 de novembro. O Conselho da Associação São Vicente de Paulo de João Monlevade, mantenedora desta instituição, já está ciente dos acontecimentos e deu autonomia à direção do hospital para as tomadas de decisões. Como a Prefeitura de João Monlevade não arca com os compromissos assumidos, o setor Jurídico desta casa de saúde já estuda possíveis soluções já que fica inviável a manutenção do Pronto Atendimento exclusivamente pelo hospital e a prestação de serviços de urgência e emergência. Assessoria de Comunicação – Hospital Margarida
Meet Google’s Top Contributors, a community of help
Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.34 0 komentar
If you’ve ever asked a question in the Google Help Forums, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve met a Google Top Contributor. Last September, we told you a little bit about the Top Contributors when we hosted our 2011 Top Contributor Summit. Since then, Top Contributors continue to help millions of people get the most out of Google’s products by answering questions in Google’s Help Forums.
They also continue to give important feedback to Google. Top Contributors have advocated for features and improvements like custom colors in Google Calendar, more locations for offline Google Maps on Android devices, and protected ranges in Google Sheets. In short, they help Google build better products.
Starting today, you can find out more about Top Contributors on our new website for the program. You can learn about Google Help Forums, meet a few of the Top Contributors, and get a better understanding of what these incredible folks do to impact people’s lives in the forums every day.
We hope that the website brings the world of Google Help Forums to light and shows our thanks for the dedication Top Contributors show each day. To meet a Top Contributor or get some help, just stop by a forum and say hello. And let us know if you want more information on joining the Top Contributor Program!
Posted by Adrienne Ludwick, Top Contributor Program Manager
They also continue to give important feedback to Google. Top Contributors have advocated for features and improvements like custom colors in Google Calendar, more locations for offline Google Maps on Android devices, and protected ranges in Google Sheets. In short, they help Google build better products.
Starting today, you can find out more about Top Contributors on our new website for the program. You can learn about Google Help Forums, meet a few of the Top Contributors, and get a better understanding of what these incredible folks do to impact people’s lives in the forums every day.
We hope that the website brings the world of Google Help Forums to light and shows our thanks for the dedication Top Contributors show each day. To meet a Top Contributor or get some help, just stop by a forum and say hello. And let us know if you want more information on joining the Top Contributor Program!
Posted by Adrienne Ludwick, Top Contributor Program Manager
Do You Need to Register? Foreign Investment Firms Fined By SEC
Rabu, 28 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.13 0 komentar
If you are doing business in the United States, you need to follow the US securities laws, regardless of where you are located. While there are exemptions from registration and other exceptions that may be available, all firms need to examine the issue and doing business in the US is very broadly interpreted. The costs of failing to comply with the state and federal securities laws can be very costly, as four foreign financial services firms just learned.
The SEC announced charges against four financial services firms based in India for providing brokerage services to institutional investors in the United States without being registered with the SEC as required under the federal securities laws. The four firms agreed to pay more than $1.8 million combined to settle the SEC’s charges.
According to the SEC’s orders against the firms, they engaged with U.S. investors in some of the following ways despite being unregistered broker-dealers: Sponsored conferences in the U.S. Had employees travel regularly to the U.S. to meet with investors. Traded securities of India-based issuers on behalf of U.S. investors Participated in securities offerings from India-based issuers to U.S. investors.
Almost two million dollars in fines for failing to register, a process that can be costly, but certainly not two million dollars worth of costly. Now add to that the possibility that their clients may have claims against the firms because they were not registered and this becomes a very costly oversight.
The full details are at the Commission's website - SEC Charges Four India-Based Brokerage Firms with Violating U.S. Registration Requirements; If you have questions about the registration status or requirements for any financial services firm, foreign or domestic, give us a call or email me at astarita@beamlaw.com. We have been representing financial firms across the country in compliance and registration matters for decades.
The SEC announced charges against four financial services firms based in India for providing brokerage services to institutional investors in the United States without being registered with the SEC as required under the federal securities laws. The four firms agreed to pay more than $1.8 million combined to settle the SEC’s charges.
According to the SEC’s orders against the firms, they engaged with U.S. investors in some of the following ways despite being unregistered broker-dealers: Sponsored conferences in the U.S. Had employees travel regularly to the U.S. to meet with investors. Traded securities of India-based issuers on behalf of U.S. investors Participated in securities offerings from India-based issuers to U.S. investors.
Almost two million dollars in fines for failing to register, a process that can be costly, but certainly not two million dollars worth of costly. Now add to that the possibility that their clients may have claims against the firms because they were not registered and this becomes a very costly oversight.
The full details are at the Commission's website - SEC Charges Four India-Based Brokerage Firms with Violating U.S. Registration Requirements; If you have questions about the registration status or requirements for any financial services firm, foreign or domestic, give us a call or email me at astarita@beamlaw.com. We have been representing financial firms across the country in compliance and registration matters for decades.
Related articles
- SEC Auditor Case Seen Jeopardizing Chinese U.S. Listings (bloomberg.com)
- SEC charges two in Georgia prime bank scheme (bizjournals.com)
VetNet: A place for veterans and military spouses to build civilian careers
Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.00 0 komentar
For several years now, we’ve been working to help the veteran community through outreach programs and by connecting veterans and their families to useful Google products and services. For example, we’ve built tools like the Veterans Job Bank to connect veterans with employers, today populated with more than a million jobs. And we created a Resume Builder to help job-seekers represent their experience in just a few clicks with Google Docs.
After years of working with the community, we’ve come to realize that it isn’t more tools that are needed, but rather organizing the ones that already exist, and making them easier to find. Perhaps the most complex challenge facing the veteran community today is the sheer volume of resources available to help them transition to civilian life. While this abundance is the measure of a grateful nation, and a tribute to those who served, in the end, the most important result is individuals and families getting the help they need.
With this in mind, we’ve put the powers of Google+ behind a single hub called VetNet. Today, VetNet launches as a partnership with three founding organizations: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Hiring Our Heroes program, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and Hire Heroes USA. In the long run, other organizations will be able to offer their services to the veteran community, all in the same easy-to-use place.
Through VetNet, these founding partners offer a full spectrum of employment resources for members of the community. Whether starting a job search from scratch, looking for mentors in a specific industry or starting a business, transitioning service members, veterans and military spouses will be able to connect with career services, job opportunities and each other.
All of the content and resources are organized into three tracks by objective, each hosted on its own Google+ page.
We’re proud to join forces with the Chamber, IVMF and Hire Heroes USA—to help them do what they do so well, and to simplify the process of finding and using resources for the veterans community. Our hope is simply to connect help to those who need it. If you’re a member of the community looking any career advice or help, get started at VetNetHQ.com. For those of us who have not served, please do what you can to spread word of VetNet to those who have.
Posted by Andy Berndt, Creative Lab
After years of working with the community, we’ve come to realize that it isn’t more tools that are needed, but rather organizing the ones that already exist, and making them easier to find. Perhaps the most complex challenge facing the veteran community today is the sheer volume of resources available to help them transition to civilian life. While this abundance is the measure of a grateful nation, and a tribute to those who served, in the end, the most important result is individuals and families getting the help they need.
With this in mind, we’ve put the powers of Google+ behind a single hub called VetNet. Today, VetNet launches as a partnership with three founding organizations: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Hiring Our Heroes program, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and Hire Heroes USA. In the long run, other organizations will be able to offer their services to the veteran community, all in the same easy-to-use place.
Through VetNet, these founding partners offer a full spectrum of employment resources for members of the community. Whether starting a job search from scratch, looking for mentors in a specific industry or starting a business, transitioning service members, veterans and military spouses will be able to connect with career services, job opportunities and each other.
All of the content and resources are organized into three tracks by objective, each hosted on its own Google+ page.
- Basic Training Track (google.com/+VetNetBasic): The place to start. From resumes to interviewing tips to advice from buddies. Dial into our first Resume Workshop today at 3pm EST.
- Career Connections Track (google.com/+VetNetCareer): Walmart, GE and Capital One are just a few of the companies that are participating in VetNet to help veterans and military spouses find civilian careers. Check out today’s Vets In Finance panel at 2pm EST.
- Entrepreneur Track (google.com/+VetNetEntrepreneur): An 8-week college-level course on the fundamentals of starting a business, starting next week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We’re proud to join forces with the Chamber, IVMF and Hire Heroes USA—to help them do what they do so well, and to simplify the process of finding and using resources for the veterans community. Our hope is simply to connect help to those who need it. If you’re a member of the community looking any career advice or help, get started at VetNetHQ.com. For those of us who have not served, please do what you can to spread word of VetNet to those who have.
Posted by Andy Berndt, Creative Lab
Get ready for winter: Mapping the Canadian Arctic and global ski resorts
Diposting oleh Unknown di 03.00 0 komentar
For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping. To help prepare for the winter ahead, we’re adding more detail and imagery to the map for a variety of chilly destinations, making them more comprehensive and accurate than ever. Starting today, you can virtually experience the Canadian Arctic through new panoramic Street View images of Cambridge Bay and detailed maps created with the help of local community members. And if you’re planning a winter getaway, you can preview the slopes of more than 90 ski and snow resorts around the world, adding to dozens that are already available via Street View today.
Canada’s Arctic
When we visited Canada’s far north this past August, we worked with the nonprofit group Nunavut Tunngavik and the residents of Cambridge Bay to improve the map of this remote, but culturally rich, Nunavut hamlet. The map this community helped build using Google Map Maker, as well as the 360-degree images we collected using Street View trike and tripod technologies, is now available for all the world to see on Google Maps.
To get a sense of what it’s like to live up in the north, you can walk down Omingmak Street, make your way to the bridge (where locals fish for Arctic Char) and head out to the Old Stone Church. Check out some Arctic souvenirs in the Arctic Closet, or visit the Ice Hockey and Curling Arena—it’s uninsulated and freezes over once they flood it in the winter! You can also learn more about Inuit history and culture at the Kitikmeot Heritage Society and the Arctic Coast Visitors Centre.
Ski and snow resorts across the globe
You can also view some of the world’s best runs right on Google Maps before you get there. Whether you’re looking to discover a piste you’ve never tried before, or just want to take in some winter wonderland scenery, we’ve added Street View imagery for resorts across Europe (including runs in Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Italy and Spain), Canada (including runs in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario) and the U.S. (including runs in Utah and Michigan).
For example, take a look at Sölden, a popular ski resort in the Ötztal valley of Tyrol, Austria. It’s not just tourists who flock there every year, but fans of professional skiing—Sölden regularly hosts the giant slalom competition as part of the Alpine World Cup in late October.
You can also visit Canyons Resort in Park City, Utah. With 19 chairlifts, 4,000 acres of skiable terrain and an average of 355 inches of snow each winter, Canyons is the largest ski and snowboard terrain park in the state.
Visit the to see some of our favorite images of the Arctic and resorts available on Google Maps. As winter sets in, we encourage you to experience it all from the comfort (and warmth) of your couch—or check it out online, then dig out your thermal underwear and snow boots to hit the slopes!
Posted by Ulf Spitzer, Program Manager, Google Street View
Canada’s Arctic
When we visited Canada’s far north this past August, we worked with the nonprofit group Nunavut Tunngavik and the residents of Cambridge Bay to improve the map of this remote, but culturally rich, Nunavut hamlet. The map this community helped build using Google Map Maker, as well as the 360-degree images we collected using Street View trike and tripod technologies, is now available for all the world to see on Google Maps.
Explore the intersection of Omingmak (“musk ox”) Street and Tigiganiak (“fox”) Road
Ski and snow resorts across the globe
You can also view some of the world’s best runs right on Google Maps before you get there. Whether you’re looking to discover a piste you’ve never tried before, or just want to take in some winter wonderland scenery, we’ve added Street View imagery for resorts across Europe (including runs in Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Italy and Spain), Canada (including runs in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario) and the U.S. (including runs in Utah and Michigan).
For example, take a look at Sölden, a popular ski resort in the Ötztal valley of Tyrol, Austria. It’s not just tourists who flock there every year, but fans of professional skiing—Sölden regularly hosts the giant slalom competition as part of the Alpine World Cup in late October.
You can also visit Canyons Resort in Park City, Utah. With 19 chairlifts, 4,000 acres of skiable terrain and an average of 355 inches of snow each winter, Canyons is the largest ski and snowboard terrain park in the state.
Visit the to see some of our favorite images of the Arctic and resorts available on Google Maps. As winter sets in, we encourage you to experience it all from the comfort (and warmth) of your couch—or check it out online, then dig out your thermal underwear and snow boots to hit the slopes!
Posted by Ulf Spitzer, Program Manager, Google Street View
Homem morre após acidente grave na BR-381, em São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo
Selasa, 27 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 04.39 0 komentar

Leia mais no site O Popularjm
Carro de passeio provoca acidente com caminhão na MG-434
Senin, 26 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 15.51 0 komentarCaminhão toma após motorista evitar colisão frontal em Bom Jesus O motorista Carlito Pereira do Nascimento, 48 anos, saiu ileso após o caminhão Mercedes Benz, placa GPC-6962 de Belo Horizonte, tombar no KM-7 da rodovia MG-434, na localidade Bambas, em Bom Jesus do Amparo. O acidente ocorreu na manhã desta segunda-feira, 26. O caminhão transportava uma carga de cereais de Belo Horizonte para a cidade vizinha de Itabira. Segundo o motorista, quando passava pelo local um carro de passeio, que seguia em sentido contrario, realizava uma ultrapassagem em uma curva. Para evitar uma colisão frontal, Carlito desviou seu caminhão para fora da pista. Ele perdeu o controle da direção e o veículo tombou ao cair em um desnível de pelo menos 50 centímetros abaixo do asfalto. De acordo com o caminhoneiro, o motorista do veículo que teria provocado o acidente, sequer parou para prestar socorro a ele. Com o tombamento a pista ficou fechada por cerca de 40 minutos, devido à lama arremessada no asfalto. A Polícia Rodoviária Estadual compareceu ao local, bem como militares do Corpo de Bombeiros de Itabira que usaram jatos de água para lavar a pista que foi liberada. Por volta das 16h que a pista voltou a ser fechada para que o caminhão guincho fizesse a remoção do caminhão acidentado.
(Foto: Átila Lemos)
Acidente próximo ao Bairro Tanquinho deixa quatro feridos
Diposting oleh Unknown di 03.57 0 komentar
(Foto: Kátia Passos/Última Notícia)
Árvore cai e causa acidente com 4 mortes e 17 feridos entre caminhão, carro e ônibus na BR-381, em Ipatinga
Diposting oleh Unknown di 03.09 0 komentar
Quatro pessoas morreram após se envolverem em um grave acidente na madrugada desta segunda-feira (26) na BR-381, em Ipatinga, na região do Vale do Aço. De acordo com a Polícia Rodoviária Federal, chovia muito na hora do acidente e a força da precipitação causou a queda de uma árvore na rodovia. Ao notar a presença da planta, o condutor de um caminhão carregado com cerâmica, que seguia no sentido Ipatinga/Governador Valadares, não conseguiu frear a tempo e passou por cima da planta, o que desgovernou o veículo de carga e obrigou o caminhoneiro a invadir a contramão na altura do km 233. Segundo os policiais, em poucos minutos, o caminhão atingiu em cheio um Celta, cujo condutor morreu na hora. Após a colisão frontal, o motorista de um ônibus da empresa Gontijo, que seguia de Bertópolis, no Vale do Mucuri, para Belo Horizonte, também não conseguiu frear e colidiu no carro e no caminhão. Pelo menos 17 passageiros do ônibus sofreram ferimentos e foram levados para o Hospital Municipal de Ipatinga. Um ferido corre risco de morte. Segundo os policiais, o condutor do ônibus e mais dois motoristas em treinamento não resistiram aos ferimentos e morreram na rodovia. O caminhoneiro sofreu várias escoriações e fraturas e foi encaminhado ao Hospital Márcio Cunha, em Ipatinga. Devido ao acidente, esse trecho da BR-381 ficou fechado por algumas horas. A rodovia já foi parcialmente liberada e o trânsito flui em esquema pare e siga. A identificação das vítimas não divulgada pela PRF.
Caminhoneiro morre em acidente no Corte de Pedras
Sabtu, 24 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.08 0 komentar

Bell Silva - Um caminhoneiro morreu no final tarde desse sábado (24), por volta das 17h30, após perder o controle do caminhão que conduzia, em uma curva na BR-381 no trecho conhecido como “Corte de Pedras” no km 350,5 em João Monlevade. Segundo a Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF), Flávio Flores Gomes, 33, seguia sentido Belo Horizonte, conduzindo o caminhão Mercedes Bens 2425 placa MTR-4554, quando ao sair de uma curva acentuada, teria pedido o controle do veículo que tombou parando com as rodas para cima, já fora da pista. Flávio ficou preso nas ferragens do veículo e morreu no local. Equipes do Serviço Voluntário de Resgate (Sevor) de João Monlevade foram para o local e retiram o corpo da vítima das ferragens. O veículo transportava louças para banheiros e toda a carga ficou espalhada nas margens da rodovia. A perita Cristiane Sales, da Polícia Civil de João Monlevade compareceu ao local e após realizar os trabalhos técnicos, liberou o corpo que foi encaminhado para o necrotério do Cemitério do Baú, pela Funerária Renascer. Por causa do acidente o trânsito ficou lento nos dois sentidos, João Monlevade/Belo Horizonte. A PRF fechou o tráfego nos dois sentidos, por volta das 19h, para que o veículo fosse removido do local, o que teria causado um congestionamento com cerca de três quilômetros.
PM apreende arma de fogo em propriedade rural
Diposting oleh Unknown di 11.12 0 komentar
Militares estiveram dia 22 de novembro na localidade rural denominada Pregos, em uma propriedade antes da ponte sobre o rio Santa Bárbara. A operação policial foi decorrente de mandado de busca e apreensão expedido pela justiça por orientação do Mm. Juiz de Direito da Comarca, Dr. Murilo Silvio de Abreu com data de dois dias antes do cumprimento da ordem judicial. Segundo a Polícia Militar o objetivo era de investigar denúncias de existência e acondicionamento de armas de fogo e substâncias entorpecentes. O local foi vistoriado com os dois caseiros da propriedade, Carlos Alexandre Nicolau, de 31, e João Alvim Romanhol, de 73 anos. Duas casas foram submetidas à detalhada busca, sendo que em uma delas, a que pertence a um homem de apelido “Cobrinha”, nada foi encontrado pela polícia. Na residência de um suspeito identificado como Ronaldo Nepomuceno Leite, de 54 anos, morador da cidade de João Monlevade, havia: uma espingarda de fabricação artesanal, deixada dentro do guarda-roupa e um cano longo que se encaixava neste dispositivo. O item foi apreendido e levado até a Delegacia de Segurança Pública. A operação foi acompanhada de testemunhas, mas o dono da casa não estava. Segundo a Polícia Militar, o mandado foi cumprido por equipes da PM de Itabira e de João Monlevade que o suspeito é morador do município vizinho, nas proximidades do Senai: militares do setor de inteligência, equipes táticas, Rocca – Ronda com Cães, e Gepmor – Grupamento Especializado no Policiamento Motorizado Ostensivo Rápido, da 17ª Cia Independente de Monlevade e 26ª Batalhão da PM de Itabira.
Menor é mortodurante a madrugada. Polícia acredita ser um "acerto de contas"
Diposting oleh Unknown di 11.10 0 komentar
(Fotos: Átila Lemos)
Polícia Civil de João Monlevade realiza novo mutirão para emissão de Carteiras de Identidade
Rabu, 21 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.07 0 komentarBell Silva - 

A 4ª Delegacia Regional de Polícia Civil de João Monlevade, (4ª DRPC) estará realizando novo mutirão para emissão de Carteiras de Identidades (CI), como ocorreu no mês de agosto. Segundo a Delegada Regional Joyce Carlos da Motta Figueira, a demanda para emissão do documento é muito grande e por isso será necessário a realização de mais um mutirão para atender a população de Monlevade e região. O segundo evento dessa natureza será realizado no anfiteatro do Centro Educacional de João Monlevade, localizado na Avenida Wilson Alvarenga, nº 830, bairro Carneirinhos, no sábado, dia 15 de dezembro. Nesta oportunidade, o mutirão irá atender às pessoas que precisam da 1ª via de carteira de identidade e a 2ª via do documento. Segundo a Polícia Civil, somente serão atendidas pessoas maiores de 16 anos. Certidão de Nascimento (se solteiro), Certidão de Casamento (se casado), duas fotos 3x4 (atual e no tamanho padrão para identidade) originais e cópias, são os documentos necessários para emissão da CI. Segundo a Delegada Regional, as senhas para atendimento serão entregues na sede administrativa da 4ª DRPC, situada na Rua Orozimbo Mamede, nº 155, bairro Nossa Senhora do Rosário (próximo ao Posto Barrocar), a partir das 09h do dia 26 de novembro. Ainda segundo Joyce Carlos, as senhas distribuídas servirão apenas como forma de controle, ou seja, o atendimento no dia será por ordem de chegada e servirão apenas para controle interno de atendimento da PCMG. Gestantes, idosos, e portadores de necessidades especiais terão prioridade de atendimento, independentemente da ordem de chegada. Leia Mais

Polícia Militar prende jovem após roubo a padaria no Cruzeiro Celeste
Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.50 0 komentar
A Polícia Militar de João Monlevade prendeu em flagrante na manhã da última segunda-feira, 19, o jovem Weverton Elton Julio dos Santos, de 23 anos, após praticar um roubo à padaria Nova Opção, no bairro Cruzeiro Celeste, em João Monlevade. Segundo ocorrência, Weverton teria chegado na companhia de Gladson Martins Pinheiro, de 19 anos, e de posse de uma garrucha anunciou o assalto. Funcionários do estabelecimento entregaram à dupla a quantia de R$ 50. Durante a fuga, o dinheiro e a arma de fogo ficaram com Gladson que não foi localizado. Já Weverson foi abordado pelos militares e confessou a autoria do crime. O jovem foi encaminhado em flagrante à Delegacia de Polícia Civil. Durante rastreamento, os militares localizaram o irmão de Weverton. O jovem Wilianderson do Santos, de 20 anos, informou que a arma usada no crime estava debaixo de uma cama em sua residência. Ele confessou que já havia emprestado a arma para outros amigos praticarem roubos semelhantes. Como já era conhecido da polícia, Wilianderson também foi levado à Delegacia.
Caminhoneiro é preso por dirigir embriagado pela segunda vez em dois dias em João Monlevade
Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.44 0 komentar
Pela segunda vez em apenas dois dias, um caminhoneiro foi preso por dirigir embriagado na BR-381, em João Monlevade, na região Central de Minas Gerais. De acordo com a Polícia Rodoviária Federal, a última detenção do motorista, identificado como E.J, de 52 anos, ocorreu no km 353 da rodovia, nessa terça-feira (18). Segundo os policiais, o condutor havia sido preso no dia 18 deste mês e, novamente, a embriaguez foi confirmada pelo teste do bafômetro. A carteira de habilitação do detido ainda estava em posse da Polícia Civil. Mais uma vez, o caminhoneiro foi encaminhado à Delegacia de Polícia Civil. Uma garrafa de whisky foi encontrada dentro do caminhão e apreendida.
SEC Insider Trading Cases
Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.20 0 komentar
As our readers and followers are aware, part of our practice is the representation of targets, defendants and potential defendants in insider trading investigations and complaints. Since 1985 when I was part of the defense team for the first civil prosecution of insider trading under the misappropriation theory, this specific area of the law has been part of my practice.
In SEC vs. Materia, the trial court found that Mr. Material, a financial printing firm employee, misappropriated confidential information from his employer and traded on that information. The Second Circuit adopted that reasoning, paving the way for the Supreme Court's adoption of the misappropriation theory of insider trading some 13 years later.
That case, and the entire concept of the misappropriation theory has always struck me as being wrong and intellectually dishonest. The "fraud" is not connected to the purchase or sale of a security, and the misappropriation theory simply reads the "in connection with" requirement of 10b-5 out of the statute.
However, I can't change the law, and today, with my new association with former SEC Senior Enforcement Attorneys Jim Sallah and Jeff Cox, we continue to represent those accused of insider trading across the country, and have expanded that area of our practices.
In doing so, we have noticed an increase in insider trading cases brought by the Commission, which was recently confirmed by the SEC. In the recap of recent insider trading cases posted at the SEC's website, the Commission provides information regarding the 57 insider trading cases that it has brought over the last two calendar years.
Many of these cases have been discussed here on our blog, but the SEC provides information on their cases brought since 2009. As we have noted in the past, the types of individuals accused of insider trading is interesting, and includes an Investment Bank Analyst, a Public Relations Executive, Former Major League Baseball Players, a Pharmaceutical Company Executive, Five Physicians, the Founder of Equity Research Firm, a Yahoo Executive and Ameriprise Manager, a Movie Producer and Ring of Relatives and Associates, an Expert Consulting Firm and a host of stock brokers, traders and hedge fund managers.
The entire list is at the Commission's web site, and although they do not trumpet the cases they lost, such as the one they lost in Florida last year, where Jim Sallah successfully defended a doctor in an insider trading case, the list is an interesting look at those recent enforcement cases.
SEC List of Recent Insider Trading Cases
In SEC vs. Materia, the trial court found that Mr. Material, a financial printing firm employee, misappropriated confidential information from his employer and traded on that information. The Second Circuit adopted that reasoning, paving the way for the Supreme Court's adoption of the misappropriation theory of insider trading some 13 years later.
That case, and the entire concept of the misappropriation theory has always struck me as being wrong and intellectually dishonest. The "fraud" is not connected to the purchase or sale of a security, and the misappropriation theory simply reads the "in connection with" requirement of 10b-5 out of the statute.
However, I can't change the law, and today, with my new association with former SEC Senior Enforcement Attorneys Jim Sallah and Jeff Cox, we continue to represent those accused of insider trading across the country, and have expanded that area of our practices.
In doing so, we have noticed an increase in insider trading cases brought by the Commission, which was recently confirmed by the SEC. In the recap of recent insider trading cases posted at the SEC's website, the Commission provides information regarding the 57 insider trading cases that it has brought over the last two calendar years.
Many of these cases have been discussed here on our blog, but the SEC provides information on their cases brought since 2009. As we have noted in the past, the types of individuals accused of insider trading is interesting, and includes an Investment Bank Analyst, a Public Relations Executive, Former Major League Baseball Players, a Pharmaceutical Company Executive, Five Physicians, the Founder of Equity Research Firm, a Yahoo Executive and Ameriprise Manager, a Movie Producer and Ring of Relatives and Associates, an Expert Consulting Firm and a host of stock brokers, traders and hedge fund managers.
The entire list is at the Commission's web site, and although they do not trumpet the cases they lost, such as the one they lost in Florida last year, where Jim Sallah successfully defended a doctor in an insider trading case, the list is an interesting look at those recent enforcement cases.
SEC List of Recent Insider Trading Cases
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Polícia Militar apreende 318 pedras de crack e arma de fogo
Selasa, 20 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.16 0 komentar (Fotos: Átila Lemos)
Join the Arabic Web Days movement
Diposting oleh Unknown di 11.20 0 komentar
Arabic content on the web represents just 3 percent of the total digital content online—yet Arabic speakers make up more than 5 percent of the global population. To help build a vibrant Arabic web, we’ve created Arabic Web Days, an initiative in the Middle East and North Africa focused on boosting the amount of Arabic content online. (Note: the video below is in Arabic only.)
For the next 30 days, we’re holding a series of online and offline events along with our partners Vinelab, Wamda, Yamli and Taghreedat, as well as Twitter, Wikipedia, TED, Soundcloud, and regional organizations Al Arabiya, TwoFour54 and Qatar Foundation’s Qatari Computing Research Institute. Here’s how you can get involved:
Posted by Maha Abouelenein, Head of Communications, Middle East and North Africa
For the next 30 days, we’re holding a series of online and offline events along with our partners Vinelab, Wamda, Yamli and Taghreedat, as well as Twitter, Wikipedia, TED, Soundcloud, and regional organizations Al Arabiya, TwoFour54 and Qatar Foundation’s Qatari Computing Research Institute. Here’s how you can get involved:
- Participate in a series of Hangouts on Google+ to get tips and tricks from industry experts on contributing Arabic content to the web—through online journalism, YouTube videos, Wikipedia editing, translation of English content, SEO and more
- Join the YouTube Tweet Up in Doha, Qatar on December 15 to learn how to create viral Arabic videos and make money through YouTube
- Participate in the region's first Arabic infographics competition with Tajseed
- Volunteer to be part of a TED initiative to create quality Arabic digital content via Arabic subtitling during a kick-off event with TED, twofour54 and Taghreedat in Abu Dhabi on December 4
- Sign up for developer training at g|days in Jordan on December 5-6 and Egypt on December 9-10 to learn about Arabic localization, webmaster tools, SEO and YouTube for Business
- Learn about the Egyptian Ministry of Education’s educational channels on YouTube which include different curricula from first to twelfth grade, as well as e-Lessons via video and Google+ Hangouts.
- Celebrate 12/12/12 as National Arabic Web Day
- Connect with us: add the Arabic Web Days badge to your site, upload a video to youtube.com/arabicwebdays, visit our website: www.arabicwebdays.com and follow us on Google+ and Twitter (in Arabic)
Posted by Maha Abouelenein, Head of Communications, Middle East and North Africa
Discover the world of open source with Google Code-in 2012
Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.00 0 komentar
Every time you send a text, check a webpage or post a status update, you’re using open source software. The Internet is made of open source. But have you ever created any yourself? With the Google Code-in contest, pre-university students (13-17 years old) can learn more and create open source software that people all over the world can use—and win cool prizes along the way.
Starting Monday, November 26 and for the following 50 days, contest participants will work on fun online tasks for 10 different open source organizations. Possible challenges include documentation, marketing outreach, software coding, user experience research and more.
Participants earn points for each task they successfully complete and can earn prizes like T-shirts and certificates of completion. This year we’re doubling the number of grand prize winners to 20 talented students, who will win a trip to Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. They’ll spend a day getting a tour of the “Googleplex,” meeting and talking with Google engineers, plus enjoy another full day exploring San Francisco and other surprises.
Last year, 542 students from 56 countries and 360 schools completed 3,054 tasks during the eight-week contest. This year we want to encourage even more students to participate in the contest and learn about open source development. If you’d like to sign up, please review our Frequently Asked Questions and the contest rules on our program site. You can also watch our screencast, check out some sample tasks from last year’s contest and join our discussion list for any other questions. For details on important dates for the contest, see the timeline. You can register for your account on the program site when the contest opens on Monday, November 26 at 9:00am PST.
Finally, our Open Source Programs team will be hosting a Hangout on Air on the Google in Education page November 26 at 2:00pm PST to discuss the details of the Google Code-in contest and answer any questions.
We hope you’ll spend your winter (or summer, for our friends in the southern hemisphere) learning about the ins and outs of open source development through hands-on experience. Ready...set...
Posted by Stephanie Taylor, Open Source Programs
Starting Monday, November 26 and for the following 50 days, contest participants will work on fun online tasks for 10 different open source organizations. Possible challenges include documentation, marketing outreach, software coding, user experience research and more.
Participants earn points for each task they successfully complete and can earn prizes like T-shirts and certificates of completion. This year we’re doubling the number of grand prize winners to 20 talented students, who will win a trip to Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. They’ll spend a day getting a tour of the “Googleplex,” meeting and talking with Google engineers, plus enjoy another full day exploring San Francisco and other surprises.
Some of the 2011 Google Code-in Grand Prize Winners by the Golden Gate Bridge
Last year, 542 students from 56 countries and 360 schools completed 3,054 tasks during the eight-week contest. This year we want to encourage even more students to participate in the contest and learn about open source development. If you’d like to sign up, please review our Frequently Asked Questions and the contest rules on our program site. You can also watch our screencast, check out some sample tasks from last year’s contest and join our discussion list for any other questions. For details on important dates for the contest, see the timeline. You can register for your account on the program site when the contest opens on Monday, November 26 at 9:00am PST.
Finally, our Open Source Programs team will be hosting a Hangout on Air on the Google in Education page November 26 at 2:00pm PST to discuss the details of the Google Code-in contest and answer any questions.
We hope you’ll spend your winter (or summer, for our friends in the southern hemisphere) learning about the ins and outs of open source development through hands-on experience. Ready...set...
Posted by Stephanie Taylor, Open Source Programs
Mecânico fica ferido em acidente na MG-129
Senin, 19 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.34 0 komentarUm mecânico saiu levemente ferido após bater e capotar seu Eco Esport em barranco, quando saía da MGC-120 e entrava na MG-129, próximo a Itabira. O acidente ocorreu por volta das 17horas de domingo, 18. O mecânico João Alves de Oliveira, de 65 anos, conduzia seu Eco Esport, de placa HCQ-1655, sentido a MG129, quando perdeu o controle da direção e colidiu contra um barranco, vindo a capotar o veículo. João Alves sofreu apenas escoriações na testa. Ele foi retirado do veículo por policiais militares e atendido pela equipe do SAMU.
(Fotos: Átila Lemos)
Campeonato Distrital tem início em São Gonçalo
Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.26 0 komentar
Teve início na última quinta-feira (15), o 8º Campeonato Amador Distrital de São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo com três jogos. No primeiro São José goleou Mãe D’Agua por 3 a 0. Na segunda partida Makako Loko e Bamba empataram em 1 a 1. No encerramento da rodada a equipe Veterano venceu o BFC por 2 a 0. Na segunda rodada o Veterano passou por Bamba pelo placa de 2 a 1, BFC também venceu Mãe D’Água pelo mesmo placar e Makako Loko goleou São José por 3 a 0. O torneio segue até o dia 23 de dezembro, quando será realizada a grande final. Todas as partidas são realizadas no campo do Operário, no bairro Guanabara. A competição será disputada por seis times em chave única, que jogam entre si. Participarm do 8º Campeonato Amador Distrital as equipes São José, Mãe D´Água, Makako Loko, Bamba, BFC e Veterano.
Mototaxistas se organizam para fundar Associação em Barão de Cocais
Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.00 0 komentarOs quase cem mototaxistas que atuam na cidade de Barão de Cocais estão se organizando, através de uma associação, para regularizar os serviços prestados pela categoria na cidade. Preocupados em se adequarem à Lei 12.009, que regulamenta os serviços em todo o país, foi criada na cidade a Associação de Mototaxistas, Motoboys e Motofretistas de Barão de Cocais (AMUMOTO). Esse foi o primeiro passo para os prestadores de serviços que aguardam agora, a criação da Lei Municipal. Antônio Carlos Duarte representante dos mototaxistas, que há seis anos exerce a profissão na cidade, disse que é de suma importância a criação da Lei Municipal. “Estamos nos adequando para podermos trabalhar conforme o que determina a Lei Federal. Demos um passo importante com a criação da AMUMOTO. Através dela temos como representar legalmente a categoria e defender nossos interesses, junto aos órgãos públicos e privados. Organizados seremos mais fortes e, com isso, criar convênios para categoria, dando um retorno maior para as pessoas, que contribuírem com as mensalidades”, disse Antônio. Os mototaxistas de Barão de Cocais já tentaram se organizar há alguns anos, mas a associação nunca foi registrada, diferente do que ocorre agora. De acordo com a Lei 12.009 do Conselho Nacional de Trânsito (CONTRAN) para exercer a profissão, o moto taxista deverá registrar a moto como veículo da categoria de aluguel; instalar o protetor de motor mata-cachorro, fixado no chassi do veículo, destinado a proteger o motor e a perna do condutor em caso de tombamento. Instalar um aparador de linha antena corta-pipas; inspeção semestral para verificação dos equipamentos obrigatórios e de segurança, a instalação ou incorporação de dispositivos para transporte de cargas deve estar de acordo com a regulamentação do CONTRAN. A Lei proíbe o transporte de combustíveis, produtos inflamáveis ou tóxicos e de galões nos veículos, com exceção do gás de cozinha e de galões contendo água mineral, desde que com o auxílio de sidecar, nos termos de regulamentação do CONTRAN. Os mototaxistas realizaram a primeira reunião no dia 2 de outubro, para apreciação e votação do Estatuto da entidade, e a eleição e posse dos membros da Executiva e Conselho Fiscal. Foram eleitos, em chapa única, presidente Antonio Carlos Duarte, vice-presidente Domingos Leão da Silva, 1ª secretaria Linda Crisóstomo Couto, 2ª secretária Célia Francisca Felix Lima, 1º tesoureiro Acrísio Júnior Batista da Silva, 2º tesoureiro Geraldo Aparecido Dias. Durante a reunião foram eleitos ainda, Márcio José Oliveira, João Ribeiro da Silva e José João Rodrigues, membros do Conselho Fiscal da entidade criada. Segundo Antônio Carlos, o próximo passo será registrar a Associação e lutar para a criação da Lei Municipal. “Temos a promessa do prefeito eleito Armando Verdolin Brandão, que colocou em seu plano de governo a criação da Lei que irá regulamentar a nossa categoria, estamos confiantes e ansiosos”, finalizou Antônio.
Something to smile about: A 5,000-mile walk across Asia, guided by Google Maps
Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.00 0 komentar
Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms. For U.S. Marine Sgt. Winston Fiore, it was a news article about the International Children’s Surgical Foundation (ICSF) and Dr. Geoff Williams, who provides free facial-reconstructive surgeries for children with cleft lips/palates in developing countries. Although cleft palates are quite correctable, if left untreated the deformity can cause serious health issues. Many children don’t have the surgery because the cost of each procedure ($250 USD) is out of reach for their families.
Inspired to do something to help, Winston set out on a 5,000-mile trek across Southeast Asia to raise money and awareness for the ICSF—a mission he dubbed Smile Trek. Armed with sturdy boots, a 20-pound vest carrying essentials and an Android phone with Google Maps, Winston set off on his mission in October 2011. In the last year, he has walked (yes, walked!) through Brunei, China, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Along the way he’s met countless individuals who have contributed to his cause, whether it was a place to stay, a hot meal or a monetary donation on his website.
Out on the road, Winston’s Android phone and Google Maps became “the hub” of his entire operation. He used Google Maps to find accurate and easy-to-use walking directions everywhere he went, whether it was through remote villages and farms, down tiny dirt roads, or across rice paddies and desolate sugar cane fields. “Walking directions in Google Maps were critical to my trek. The directions were accurate and efficient—it’s essential to take the shortest route when you’re walking 20-25 miles each day,” said Winston. “But the best part was being routed onto roads and trails through areas I otherwise never would have discovered with, say, driving directions, or even a physical map.”
In addition to using Google Maps, Winston relied on many other Google products during his trek. He used Google Latitude to keep his family, friends and supporters informed of his whereabouts, and MyTracks to record his speed, distance and the places he visited. He also used Google Translate to communicate with locals, and in one case found it essential: when bit by a stray dog outside of Bangkok, he typed "I got bit by a dog, can someone take me to a hospital?" into his app. A taxi driver took him to the hospital, where he got 11 shots!
Today, after walking 5,000 miles in 408 days, Sgt. Fiore completes his journey, with more than $65,000 raised for ICSF. The money will help to fund more than 200 life-saving surgeries for children in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. If you’d like to contribute to the International Children’s Surgery Fund and Winston Fiore’s effort, we encourage you to visit smiletrek.org.
Posted by Jennifer J. Chen, Product Manager, Google Maps
Trekking along: Winston, standing in front of a durian fruit stand near Sematan, the westernmost town of Malaysian Borneo
Out on the road, Winston’s Android phone and Google Maps became “the hub” of his entire operation. He used Google Maps to find accurate and easy-to-use walking directions everywhere he went, whether it was through remote villages and farms, down tiny dirt roads, or across rice paddies and desolate sugar cane fields. “Walking directions in Google Maps were critical to my trek. The directions were accurate and efficient—it’s essential to take the shortest route when you’re walking 20-25 miles each day,” said Winston. “But the best part was being routed onto roads and trails through areas I otherwise never would have discovered with, say, driving directions, or even a physical map.”
View the complete map of Winston's journey on his site
In addition to using Google Maps, Winston relied on many other Google products during his trek. He used Google Latitude to keep his family, friends and supporters informed of his whereabouts, and MyTracks to record his speed, distance and the places he visited. He also used Google Translate to communicate with locals, and in one case found it essential: when bit by a stray dog outside of Bangkok, he typed "I got bit by a dog, can someone take me to a hospital?" into his app. A taxi driver took him to the hospital, where he got 11 shots!
Today, after walking 5,000 miles in 408 days, Sgt. Fiore completes his journey, with more than $65,000 raised for ICSF. The money will help to fund more than 200 life-saving surgeries for children in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. If you’d like to contribute to the International Children’s Surgery Fund and Winston Fiore’s effort, we encourage you to visit smiletrek.org.
Posted by Jennifer J. Chen, Product Manager, Google Maps
Supporting people with disabilities through outreach and accessibility tools
Diposting oleh Unknown di 11.35 0 komentar
Globally, there are approximately 285 million visually impaired people in the world—and each one of those people has networks of family and friends. Increasing the accessibility of products impacts not only the millions of people with disabilities, but also the lives of the people connected to them.
It’s because of the wide impact better accessibility tools can have that we partner with organizations like the Vision Serve Alliance, which brings together the CEOs of U.S. nonprofits that serve the blind and visually impaired to network and share best practices.
On Thursday, November 8 we welcomed 63 of these executives to Google’s San Francisco, Calif. office. There, we showed how we’re making Google’s products more accessible to blind and visually impaired users. We also shared insight into Google's culture—our commitment to openness, transparency and encouraging Googlers to bring their whole selves to work.
The attendees talked with representatives from the Google self-driving car team about the technology’s potential impact on mobility for the blind and visually impaired, as previously demoed by Steve Mahan from the Santa Clara Valley Blind Center. Other teams of Googlers also joined the event to demonstrate accessibility features in products like Chrome and Android. Chromevox is a screen reader that's built into Chrome OS and the Chrome browser. Android’s built-in accessibility features include text-to-speech, haptic feedback, gesture navigation, trackball and directional-pad navigation, all of which help visually impaired users navigate their mobile devices.
In line with our efforts to empower all people with disabilities, on December 3 we’re celebrating the International Day of Disability in Google offices in North America. We’ll have 7-minute flash talks about how Google’s work on accessibility empowers different communities, and a global product accessibility improvement day where Googlers test our products for accessibility bugs.
Posted by Seval Oz, New Business Development Senior Manager
It’s because of the wide impact better accessibility tools can have that we partner with organizations like the Vision Serve Alliance, which brings together the CEOs of U.S. nonprofits that serve the blind and visually impaired to network and share best practices.
On Thursday, November 8 we welcomed 63 of these executives to Google’s San Francisco, Calif. office. There, we showed how we’re making Google’s products more accessible to blind and visually impaired users. We also shared insight into Google's culture—our commitment to openness, transparency and encouraging Googlers to bring their whole selves to work.
The attendees talked with representatives from the Google self-driving car team about the technology’s potential impact on mobility for the blind and visually impaired, as previously demoed by Steve Mahan from the Santa Clara Valley Blind Center. Other teams of Googlers also joined the event to demonstrate accessibility features in products like Chrome and Android. Chromevox is a screen reader that's built into Chrome OS and the Chrome browser. Android’s built-in accessibility features include text-to-speech, haptic feedback, gesture navigation, trackball and directional-pad navigation, all of which help visually impaired users navigate their mobile devices.
In line with our efforts to empower all people with disabilities, on December 3 we’re celebrating the International Day of Disability in Google offices in North America. We’ll have 7-minute flash talks about how Google’s work on accessibility empowers different communities, and a global product accessibility improvement day where Googlers test our products for accessibility bugs.
Posted by Seval Oz, New Business Development Senior Manager
Thanksgiving gone Google
Diposting oleh Unknown di 09.56 0 komentar
Thanksgiving is about sharing, giving thanks and connecting with family and friends. Yet, all too often we get caught up in the holiday rat race—the mad dash to the airport, the supermarket, the mall—and forget to take time out to enjoy the holiday.
To kick off the holidays this year, we wanted to crank up the fun and tone down the stress. So we did a little planning for you and created a one-stop-Google-shop to get you through the week.
With tools like recipe search and YouTube cooking videos that show you the right (and wrong) ways to carve a deep-fried turkey, Google can help you master your Thanksgiving meal with lots of laughs along the way. You can also join members of the Google+ cooking community for cooking lessons over live hangouts. Learn how to make new dishes like pumpkin brulee for the sweet tooths at the table or mix things up this year with a vegan-friendly feast.
Though we can’t control the skies and guarantee a turbulence-free flight home, we can help minimize the time you spend waiting around, with real-time flight updates. Download the Google Search App to get flight updates on the go. And don’t forget to download TV shows, music and more from Google Play to stay entertained on board.
Of course, for those of you who couldn’t make it home this year, you can still get everyone together with Google+ Hangouts. Try scheduling a hangout to video chat with up to nine people you’d otherwise miss this holiday.
Whether you’re rooting for the Cowboys or the Jets, Texans or the Patriots, we can help you stay on top of all the scores and stats. If you’re on the run, ask for real time scores or game details using Voice Search on the Google Search App.
This year Black Friday starts on Thursday, with Wal-Mart, Target and Toys R Us all kicking off sales on Thanksgiving night. To help you get a head start on the deal-seekers, try our new shortlists, a super-simple alternative to sharing lists of links or bookmarks, as well as 360-degree imagery for many of the season’s hottest toys on Google Shopping. For those of you brave enough to face the masses at the store, use indoor Google Maps to get in and get out of the mall fast.
By putting all your favorite Google features in one place, we hope we can help make things just a little bit easier this Thanksgiving—giving you more time to make memories with those who matter most and enjoy every last bite of that much deserved pumpkin pie. Visit our Thanksgiving hub to get started.
Posted by Carolyn Witte, Search Marketing Team
To kick off the holidays this year, we wanted to crank up the fun and tone down the stress. So we did a little planning for you and created a one-stop-Google-shop to get you through the week.
With tools like recipe search and YouTube cooking videos that show you the right (and wrong) ways to carve a deep-fried turkey, Google can help you master your Thanksgiving meal with lots of laughs along the way. You can also join members of the Google+ cooking community for cooking lessons over live hangouts. Learn how to make new dishes like pumpkin brulee for the sweet tooths at the table or mix things up this year with a vegan-friendly feast.
Though we can’t control the skies and guarantee a turbulence-free flight home, we can help minimize the time you spend waiting around, with real-time flight updates. Download the Google Search App to get flight updates on the go. And don’t forget to download TV shows, music and more from Google Play to stay entertained on board.
Of course, for those of you who couldn’t make it home this year, you can still get everyone together with Google+ Hangouts. Try scheduling a hangout to video chat with up to nine people you’d otherwise miss this holiday.
Whether you’re rooting for the Cowboys or the Jets, Texans or the Patriots, we can help you stay on top of all the scores and stats. If you’re on the run, ask for real time scores or game details using Voice Search on the Google Search App.
This year Black Friday starts on Thursday, with Wal-Mart, Target and Toys R Us all kicking off sales on Thanksgiving night. To help you get a head start on the deal-seekers, try our new shortlists, a super-simple alternative to sharing lists of links or bookmarks, as well as 360-degree imagery for many of the season’s hottest toys on Google Shopping. For those of you brave enough to face the masses at the store, use indoor Google Maps to get in and get out of the mall fast.
By putting all your favorite Google features in one place, we hope we can help make things just a little bit easier this Thanksgiving—giving you more time to make memories with those who matter most and enjoy every last bite of that much deserved pumpkin pie. Visit our Thanksgiving hub to get started.
Posted by Carolyn Witte, Search Marketing Team
Penny Wise?
Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.03 0 komentar
A new financial advisory firm just retained us to review and revise their agreements BEFORE a regulator finds a problem. While I didn't ask, it sounds like they used a non-attorney group to create their registration documents and agreements, and are now looking for some additional advice.
Using a filing service to prepare boilerplate forms and agreements fine. In fact, we often send our smaller new clients to a third party service for the initial preparation of Form ADV and the related materials. Those firms can put together basic documents in a much less expensive manner than we can.
But we need to review those documents before they are used. If boilerplate were sufficient, there would be no need for filing of anything - every firm and practice would be the same, and the regulators would not need to know about the particulars of your business - everyone's business would be the same.
But advisory practices are not boilerplate, and each individual entity needs to have its ADV, its operating agreement, it codes and procedures, and its agreements with clients and vendors individually drafted.
Unfortunately, too many firms and professionals do not take that next step and retain our firm, or someone like us, to review their agreements, preferring to wait until there is a problem before spending the money and being proactive in their own practices.
We have been representing financial professionals and firms for decades. A few hours of our time, reviewing and revising agreements and procedures can save a firm hundreds of thousands of dollars. A review and negotiation of an employment agreement can do the same for individual advisors.
Why aren't financial professionals and firms more proactive, like our new client? It doesn't make sense. If you need a consultation with us, send me an email - I won't charge you to read your email and respond. astarita@beamlaw.com
Using a filing service to prepare boilerplate forms and agreements fine. In fact, we often send our smaller new clients to a third party service for the initial preparation of Form ADV and the related materials. Those firms can put together basic documents in a much less expensive manner than we can.
But we need to review those documents before they are used. If boilerplate were sufficient, there would be no need for filing of anything - every firm and practice would be the same, and the regulators would not need to know about the particulars of your business - everyone's business would be the same.
But advisory practices are not boilerplate, and each individual entity needs to have its ADV, its operating agreement, it codes and procedures, and its agreements with clients and vendors individually drafted.
Unfortunately, too many firms and professionals do not take that next step and retain our firm, or someone like us, to review their agreements, preferring to wait until there is a problem before spending the money and being proactive in their own practices.
We have been representing financial professionals and firms for decades. A few hours of our time, reviewing and revising agreements and procedures can save a firm hundreds of thousands of dollars. A review and negotiation of an employment agreement can do the same for individual advisors.
Why aren't financial professionals and firms more proactive, like our new client? It doesn't make sense. If you need a consultation with us, send me an email - I won't charge you to read your email and respond. astarita@beamlaw.com
Duplicação da BR-381 não é prioridade do Governo Federal, diz Anastasia
Jumat, 16 November 2012 Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.44 0 komentarO governador Antonio Anastasia afirmou nesta quinta-feira, durante a conversa semanal "Palavra do Governador", que as obras de duplicação da BR 381 são "prioridade zero". Para ele, as melhorias na via são a importante obra federal do estado. Anastasia se reuniu este mês com o ministro dos Transportes, Paulo Sérgio Passos, para discutir o assunto e anunciar os editais de concorrência para a duplicação da primeira etapa da rodovia, que tem 300 quilômetros e liga Belo Horizonte a Governador Valadares. "Esta obra é uma reivindicação de décadas, uma estrada que lamentavelmente é muito perigosa e tem um número imenso de acidentes, com muitas mortes, uma estrada que vem assombrando Minas Gerais ao longo dos anos”, destacou. Ainda de acordo com o governador, são 100 km para a primeira etapa. E, no fim de novembro, serão publicados novos editais. Para ele, a importância do projeto está na segurança e na melhoria para o tráfego Leste de Minas Gerais. A execução das obras já está prevista para o primeiro trimestre de 2013. “Nós mineiros vamos agradecer muito no momento da sua conclusão”, acrescentou.
(Fonte: Estado de Minas)
(Fonte: Estado de Minas)
Policial Militar é encontrado morto dentro de viatura
Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.32 0 komentarO policial militar Mateus Cordeiro, lotado no 26º Batalhão de Itabira, foi encontrado morto por volta das 12h30 de quarta-feira (14), dentro da viatura que dirigia pela localidade itabirana conhecida como Laboreaux. A suspeita é que ele tenha disparado a própria arma contra a cabeça. Segundo relatos dos colegas de farda, o soldado se despediu através do rádio da viatura que dirigia desejando bom trabalho a todos e dizendo que iria descansar. Horas depois o corpo do militar foi encontrado no banco da viatura que estava trancada parada próximo a estrada de acesso a cidade de Nova Era. A vítima tinha uma perfuração provocada por um tiro na testa. O comando da PM em Itabira informou que não havia nenhuma medida disciplinar ou administrativa contra o soldado que era considerado um militar de comportamento exemplar.
Prefeitos eleitos se reúnem na Amepi, Fernando Rolla é eleito o novo presidente da entidade
Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.28 0 komentarA Amepi(Associação dos Municípios do Médio Piracicaba) recebeu na manhã da última quarta-feira (14, os prefeitos eleitos dos municípios que integram a região do Médio Piracicaba Na oportunidade, o atual presidente da Casa, o prefeito de Dom Silvério, José Maria Repolês, parabenizou os novos chefes do Executivo e desejou aos eleitos “um mandato cheio de realizações”. O Secretário Executivo da entidade, Eduardo Quaresma durante apresentação em um telão falou da importância da Amepi na busca de projetos na ajuda aos municípios associados. Eduardo Quaresma explanou sobre o mapeamento de toda região do Médio Piracicaba que tem sido feito, inclusive, com fotografia aérea digital e a preparação da Associação para a Copa do Mundo de 2014. O prefeito eleito de João Monlevade, Teófilo Torres(PSDB), esteve presente ao encontro e afirmou que o município será novamente integrado aos associados da Amepi. “João Monlevade volta para a Amepi sem dúvidas”, enfatizou o novo chefe do Executivo. João Monlevade não integra mais a Amepi desde julho deste ano, quando o prefeito de Monlevade, Gustavo Prandini (PV) pediu a rescisão do convênio entre a Amepi e a Prefeitura, com a justificativa de contenção de despesas. Durante o encontro , o prefeito de São Domingos do Prata, Fernando Rolla, foi escolhido como presidente eleito da Associação dos Municípios da Microrregião do Médio Piracicaba (Amepi). Damon Sena, que vai assumir a Prefeitura de Itabira será o vice.
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