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O Popular amanhã nas bancas confira
Kamis, 31 Januari 2013 Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.00 0 komentarPromoção “Saúde e Sorte para Você”, da Farmácia Barros, entregou um carro e uma moto zero km
Diposting oleh Unknown di 11.50 0 komentar

A Promoção
A cada R$50,00 em compras, de perfumaria e conveniência, o cliente ganha 1 cupom. Para clientes cadastrados na Farmácia Barros (crediário, convênio empresarial, cheque pré), as compras realizadas durante o ano vão acumulando pontos e no final do ano são trocados por cupons, o que dá mais chance de ganhar um carro zero neste super sorteio, esperado por todos os clientes.
Prefeitura responde ofício em que Câmara sugere “custear” transporte de universitário e bebê a bordo
Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.52 0 komentarUm ofício encaminhado pelo presidente da Câmara, Guilherme Nasser (PSDB), de número 14/2013, no dia 24 de janeiro, e que solicitava a possibilidade de destinar parte dos recursos provenientes da devolução das sobras da Câmara ao Executivo para custeio dos programas Bebê a bordo e transporte social universitário, foi respondido neste dia 29 de janeiro, pelo prefeito Teófilo Torres (PSDB). Trata-se, obviamente, de uma sugestão da Câmara, já que ela não pode determinar o local onde o dinheiro será investido, cabendo à Prefeitura decidir. Como resposta, a Prefeitura informou que existem, neste momento, outras urgências, mas que o transporte será restabelecido assim que o problema for sanado. “Estamos priorizando pagar os servidores, INSS, passes, FGTS, despesas fixas, fornecedores na área da saúde, ação social e ensino fundamental”, explica o ofício 16 encaminhado pelo gabinete do prefeito que continua. “Compreendemos a importância dos referidos projetos e, assim que a situação se normalizar, estes projetos serão retomados”, diz a nota. Além do ofício, os vereadores Thiago Titó e Fabrício Lopes, também procuraram o prefeito, estudantes e o próprio presidente da Câmara na busca de uma solução para o caso.
Exploring the Grand Canyon on Google Maps
Diposting oleh Unknown di 03.00 0 komentar
Whether you’re planning an upcoming hike, or want to learn more about the Earth’s geological history, Google Maps can help. Today, we’re releasing panoramic imagery of one of the world’s most spectacular national monuments: the Grand Canyon. These beautiful, interactive images cover more than 75 miles of trails and surrounding roads, making our map of this area even more comprehensive, accurate and easy to use than ever before.
Take a walk down the narrow trails and exposed paths of the Grand Canyon: hike down the famous Bright Angel Trail, gaze out at the mighty Colorado River, and explore scenic overlooks in full 360-degrees. You’ll be happy you’re virtually hiking once you get to the steep inclines of the South Kaibab Trail. And rather than drive a couple hours to see the nearby Meteor Crater, a click of your mouse or tap of your finger will transport you to the rim of this otherworldly site.
This breathtaking imagery collection was made possible with the Trekker. Our team strapped on the Android-operated 40-pound backpacks carrying the 15-lens camera system and wound along the rocky terrain on foot, enduring temperature swings and a few muscle cramps along the way. Together, more than 9,500 panoramas of this masterpiece of nature are now available on Google Maps.
So no matter where you are, you don’t have to travel far or wait for warmer weather to explore Grand Canyon National Park. Check out some of our favorite views on our World Wonders site where you can find more information, facts and figures about the Grand Canyon, or in the updated Street View gallery, and happy (virtual) hiking!
Posted by Ryan Falor, Product Manager, Google Maps
The Colorado River, one of the many impressive scenes in the Grand Canyon
This breathtaking imagery collection was made possible with the Trekker. Our team strapped on the Android-operated 40-pound backpacks carrying the 15-lens camera system and wound along the rocky terrain on foot, enduring temperature swings and a few muscle cramps along the way. Together, more than 9,500 panoramas of this masterpiece of nature are now available on Google Maps.
A breathtaking 360-degree view from the famous Bright Angel Trail
So no matter where you are, you don’t have to travel far or wait for warmer weather to explore Grand Canyon National Park. Check out some of our favorite views on our World Wonders site where you can find more information, facts and figures about the Grand Canyon, or in the updated Street View gallery, and happy (virtual) hiking!
Posted by Ryan Falor, Product Manager, Google Maps
Polícia Civil suspende trabalhos de emissão de CI por tempo indeterminado
Rabu, 30 Januari 2013 Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.17 0 komentarDevido a problemas técnicos, ocasionados pelas fortes chuvas, o setor de Identificação da Polícia Civil de João Monlevade, ficara com os serviços de emissão de Carteira de Identidade (CI), suspenso por tempo indeterminado. Segundo a assessoria de comunicação da Polícia Civil, assim que o problema for normalizado será divulgada a data de retomada dos trabalhos.
Polícia Civil conclui investigação sobre assassinato do casal de idosos na Vargem Linda
Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.08 0 komentarTrês pessoas poderão ter prisões decretadas nos próximos dias, em função do duplo homicídio ocorrido no Distrito de Vargem Linda, em São Domingos do Prata. O anuncio foi dado na terça-feira (29), após a conclusão das investigação sobre o assassinato do casal de idosos Maria Terezinha Araújo, 65 anos, e Geraldo Donato Araújo, 70 anos. Eles foram mortos enquanto dormiam, na noite de 9 de janeiro. O investigador José Roberto de Paiva, da Polícia Civil, conduziu os trabalhos que foram coordenados pelo delegado Bernardo de Barros Machado. "Tudo leva a crer que sejam psicopatas", resumiu o delegado. A polícia não revelou detalhes sobre a autoria do crime já que as prisões ainda dependem de interpretação da Justiça. Roupas sujas de sangue e um aparelho celular, encontradas na cena do crime, teriam contribuído no desfecho da investigação. Segundo a polícia, pelo menos dois dos suspeitos são menores de idade e uma pessoa adulta pode ter contribuído para dificultar o trabalho da polícia. A quantia em dinheiro, levada pelos criminosos, não foi revelada pela família das vítimas que teriam promovido resistência em contribuir com as investigações. A decisão de matar as vítimas seria, provavelmente, pelo dos autores terem sido reconhecidos pelo casal de idosos.
SEC Charges Former Jefferies Executive with Defrauding Investors in Mortgage-Backed Securities
Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.00 0 komentarThe SEC charged a former executive at New York-based broker-dealer Jefferies & Co. with defrauding investors while selling mortgage-backed securities (MBS) in the wake of the financial crisis so he could generate additional revenue for his firm.
According to the SEC’s complaint filed in federal court in Connecticut, the former executive arranged trades for customers as part of his job as a managing director on the MBS desk at Jefferies. The SEC alleges that the former executive would buy a MBS from one customer and sell it to another customer, but on many occasions he lied about the price at which his firm had bought the MBS so he could re-sell it to the other customer at a higher price and keep more money for the firm. On other occasions, he misled purchasers by creating a fictional seller to purport that he was arranging a MBS trade between customers when in reality he was just selling MBS out of his firm’s inventory at a higher price. Because MBS are generally illiquid and difficult to price, it is particularly important for brokers to provide honest and accurate information.
The SEC alleges that the former executive generated more than $2.7 million in additional revenue for Jefferies through his deceit. His misconduct helped him improve his own standing at the firm, as his bonuses were determined in part by the amount of revenue he generated for the firm.
“Brokers must always tell their customers the truth, particularly in complex securities transactions in which it is difficult for investors to determine market prices on their own,” said George Canellos, Deputy Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “[The former executive] repeatedly lied to his customers and invented facts to bring additional profits into his firm and ultimately his own pocket at their expense.”
For more information, visit SEC Charges Former Jefferies Executive with Defrauding Investors in Mortgage-Backed Securities.
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Prefeitura age rápido e limpa ruas e avenidas após o temporal
Diposting oleh Unknown di 09.47 0 komentar.jpg)
Polícia Militar realiza mega operação de fiscalização na Cidade
Diposting oleh Unknown di 09.21 0 komentarMotorista é arremessada para fora o veículo em acidente próximo da Trincheira
Diposting oleh Unknown di 07.22 0 komentar

SEC Charges Trader in Houston-Area Investment Scheme Targeting Lebanese and Druze Communities
Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.30 0 komentar
The SEC charged a day trader in Sugar Land, Texas, with defrauding investors in his supposed high-frequency trading program and providing them falsified brokerage records that drastically overstated assets and hid his massive trading losses.
The SEC alleges that the day trader particularly targeted fellow members of the Houston-area Lebanese and Druze communities, raising more than $6 million during a five-year period from at least 33 investors. The day trader told prospective investors that he would pool their investments with his own money and conduct high-frequency trading using a supposed proprietary trading algorithm. He promised annual returns of 30 percent and assured investors that his program was safe and proven when in reality it was a dismal failure, generating $1.5 million in losses. As he failed to deliver the promised profits, the day trader told investors that his funds were tied up in the Greek debt crisis and the MF Global bankruptcy among other phony excuses.
The SEC is seeking an emergency court order to halt the scheme and freeze the day trader‘s assets and those of his firm, FAH Capital Partners.
“[The day trader’s] affinity scam preyed upon people’s tendency to trust those who share common backgrounds and beliefs,” said David R. Woodcock, Director of the SEC’s Fort Worth Regional Office. “[He] raised money by creating the aura of a successful day trader among friends and family in his community, and he continued to mislead them and hide the truth while trading losses mounted.”
For more information, visit SEC Charges Trader in Houston-Area Investment Scheme Targeting Lebanese and Druze Communities.
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Google Science Fair: Looking for the next generation of scientists and engineers to change the world
Diposting oleh Unknown di 05.00 0 komentar
At age 16, Louis Braille invented an alphabet for the blind. When she was 13, Ada Lovelace became fascinated with math and went on to write the first computer program. And at 18, Alexander Graham Bell started experimenting with sound and went on to invent the telephone. Throughout history many great scientists developed their curiosity for science at an early age and went on to make groundbreaking discoveries that changed the way we live.
Today, we’re launching the third annual Google Science Fair in partnership with CERN, the LEGO Group, National Geographic and Scientific American to find the next generation of scientists and engineers. We’re inviting students ages 13-18 to participate in the largest online science competition and submit their ideas to change the world.
For the past two years, thousands of students from more than 90 countries have submitted research projects that address some of the most challenging problems we face today. Previous winners tackled issues such as the early diagnosis of breast cancer, improving the experience of listening to music for people with hearing loss and cataloguing the ecosystem found in water. This year we hope to once again inspire scientific exploration among young people and receive even more entries for our third competition.
Here’s some key information for this year’s Science Fair:
Visit to get started now—your idea might just change the world.
Posted by Sam Peter, Google Science Fair Team
Today, we’re launching the third annual Google Science Fair in partnership with CERN, the LEGO Group, National Geographic and Scientific American to find the next generation of scientists and engineers. We’re inviting students ages 13-18 to participate in the largest online science competition and submit their ideas to change the world.
For the past two years, thousands of students from more than 90 countries have submitted research projects that address some of the most challenging problems we face today. Previous winners tackled issues such as the early diagnosis of breast cancer, improving the experience of listening to music for people with hearing loss and cataloguing the ecosystem found in water. This year we hope to once again inspire scientific exploration among young people and receive even more entries for our third competition.
Here’s some key information for this year’s Science Fair:
- Students can enter the Science Fair in 13 languages.
- The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2013 at 11:59 pm PDT.
- In June, we’ll recognize 90 regional finalists (30 from the Americas, 30 from Asia Pacific and 30 from Europe/Middle East/Africa).
- Judges will then select the top 15 finalists, who will be flown to Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. for our live, final event on September 23, 2013.
- At the finals, a panel of distinguished international judges consisting of renowned scientists and tech innovators will select top winners in each age category (13-14, 15-16, 17-18). One will be selected as the Grand Prize winner.
- In August, the public will have the opportunity to get to know our 15 finalists through a series of Google+ Hangouts on Air and will then vote for the Inspired Idea Award—an award selected by the public for the project with the greatest potential to change the world.
- We also recognize that behind every great student there’s often a great teacher and a supportive school, so this year we’ll award a $10,000 cash grant from Google and an exclusive Google+ Hangout with CERN to the Grand Prize winner’s school.
Visit to get started now—your idea might just change the world.
Posted by Sam Peter, Google Science Fair Team
Mapping creates jobs and drives global economic growth
Diposting oleh Unknown di 03.00 0 komentar
Twenty years ago, we used paper maps and printed guides to help us navigate the world. Today, the most advanced digital mapping technologies—satellite imagery, GPS devices, location data and of course Google Maps—are much more accessible. This sea change in mapping technology is improving our lives and helping businesses realize untold efficiencies.
The transformation of the maps we use everyday is driven by a growing industry that creates jobs and economic growth globally. To present a clearer picture of the importance of the geo services industry, we commissioned studies from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Oxera. What we found is that maps make a big economic splash around the world.
In summary, the global geo services industry is valued at up to $270 billion per year and pays out $90 billion in wages. In the U.S., it employs more than 500,000 people and is worth $73 billion. The infographic below illustrates some examples of the many benefits of maps, whether it’s improving agriculture irrigation systems or helping emergency response teams save lives.
1.1 billion hours of travel time saved each year? That’s a lot of time. Also, consider UPS, which uses map technology to optimize delivery routes—saving 5.3 million miles and more than 650,000 gallons of fuel in 2011. And every eight seconds, a user hails a taxi with Hailo, which used maps and GPS to deliver more than 1 million journeys in London alone last year. Finally, Zipcar uses maps to connect more than 760,000 customers to a growing fleet of cars in locations around the world.
Because maps are such an integral part of how we live and do business, the list of examples goes on and on. That’s why it’s important we all understand the need to invest in the geo services industry so it continues to grow and drive the global economy. Investments can come from the public and private sectors in many forms—product innovation, support of open data policies, more geography education programs in schools and more.
We’re proud of the contributions that Google Maps and Earth, the Google Maps APIs and our Enterprise solutions have made to the geo services industry and to making maps more widely available, but there’s a long way to go. To learn more about the impact of the maps industry, see the full reports.
Posted by Brian McClendon, VP Google Geo
The transformation of the maps we use everyday is driven by a growing industry that creates jobs and economic growth globally. To present a clearer picture of the importance of the geo services industry, we commissioned studies from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Oxera. What we found is that maps make a big economic splash around the world.
In summary, the global geo services industry is valued at up to $270 billion per year and pays out $90 billion in wages. In the U.S., it employs more than 500,000 people and is worth $73 billion. The infographic below illustrates some examples of the many benefits of maps, whether it’s improving agriculture irrigation systems or helping emergency response teams save lives.
Click the image for a larger version
1.1 billion hours of travel time saved each year? That’s a lot of time. Also, consider UPS, which uses map technology to optimize delivery routes—saving 5.3 million miles and more than 650,000 gallons of fuel in 2011. And every eight seconds, a user hails a taxi with Hailo, which used maps and GPS to deliver more than 1 million journeys in London alone last year. Finally, Zipcar uses maps to connect more than 760,000 customers to a growing fleet of cars in locations around the world.
Because maps are such an integral part of how we live and do business, the list of examples goes on and on. That’s why it’s important we all understand the need to invest in the geo services industry so it continues to grow and drive the global economy. Investments can come from the public and private sectors in many forms—product innovation, support of open data policies, more geography education programs in schools and more.
We’re proud of the contributions that Google Maps and Earth, the Google Maps APIs and our Enterprise solutions have made to the geo services industry and to making maps more widely available, but there’s a long way to go. To learn more about the impact of the maps industry, see the full reports.
Posted by Brian McClendon, VP Google Geo
Blog e Site O Popular já somam mais de 20 mil acessos diários
Selasa, 29 Januari 2013 Diposting oleh Unknown di 12.10 0 komentarBell Silva - O Site e o blog O Popular de João Monlevade, juntos, já ultrapassam a soma de 20 mil acessos diários. Essa marca trouxe mais uma grata notícia para O Popular e seus inúmeros leitores e colaboradores.
Superamos, recentemente, a fantástica marca de 2 milhões e 800 mil acesso, o que o torna um dos mais acessados da região e comprovado, o mais acessado da Cidade.
O crescimento do número de pageviews tem sido consistente desde que o blog entrou no ar em 2008 e o Site em 2011. Desta forma, O Popular firma-se como um dos principais divulgadores de informações, sobre Polícia, Política, Cidade e Região.
O blog também é acessado em diversos outros países, como pode ser visto no canto esquerdo desta tela na seção “visitas pelo mundo”. São resultados que atribuímos à preferência de nossos leitores e anunciantes, que prestigiam diariamente este blog e o site.
Hoje somos referência de notícias em primeira mão, sendo constantemente consultados (mas nem sempre citados) pela concorrência.
Na esteira inversa desse sucesso, o jornal O Popular em sua versão impressa, há 10 anos com publicações, agora, quinzenal.
Gostaríamos de compartilhar nossa alegria com todos aqueles que torcem pelo O Popular e nos apoiam. Agradecemos a todos os leitores e parceiros que acreditam no nosso trabalho.
Superamos, recentemente, a fantástica marca de 2 milhões e 800 mil acesso, o que o torna um dos mais acessados da região e comprovado, o mais acessado da Cidade.
O crescimento do número de pageviews tem sido consistente desde que o blog entrou no ar em 2008 e o Site em 2011. Desta forma, O Popular firma-se como um dos principais divulgadores de informações, sobre Polícia, Política, Cidade e Região.
O blog também é acessado em diversos outros países, como pode ser visto no canto esquerdo desta tela na seção “visitas pelo mundo”. São resultados que atribuímos à preferência de nossos leitores e anunciantes, que prestigiam diariamente este blog e o site.
Hoje somos referência de notícias em primeira mão, sendo constantemente consultados (mas nem sempre citados) pela concorrência.
Na esteira inversa desse sucesso, o jornal O Popular em sua versão impressa, há 10 anos com publicações, agora, quinzenal.
Gostaríamos de compartilhar nossa alegria com todos aqueles que torcem pelo O Popular e nos apoiam. Agradecemos a todos os leitores e parceiros que acreditam no nosso trabalho.
Chuva complica o trânsito em Carneirinhos mais uma vez
Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.26 0 komentar

Segundo o Secretário de Obras da Prefeitura, Sinval Jacinto Dias, a limpeza da via já está sendo providenciada.
Prefeitura divulga números da dengue em Monlevade
Senin, 28 Januari 2013 Diposting oleh Unknown di 13.23 0 komentarA Vigilância em Saúde realizou levantamento sobre a situação da dengue em João Monlevade e os números preocupam. São 29 casos suspeitos e 5 confirmações da doença no município. No período de 15 a 17 de janeiro, os agentes visitaram 1.182 imóveis e foram encontrados 58 focos do mosquito, sendo 57 em residências e 1 em terreno baldio. Segundo o LIRAA (Levantamento de Índice Rápido do Aedes Aegypti), Monlevade está com o índice de infestação em 4,9%. O Ministério da Saúde classifica até 1% como baixo risco, entre 1,0 e 3,9% como médio risco e acima de 3,9% como alto risco.Matéria completa no site O Popular de João Monlevade
Homem morre após ser atropelado no bairro Baú
Diposting oleh Unknown di 12.29 0 komentarBell Silva - Morreu na tarde dessa segunda-feira (28), Manoel Xisto Soares, 68, por volta das 16h30, vítima de um atropelamento ocorrido por volta das 07h da manhã, na Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 1.705, próximo à Associação dos Aposentados no bairro Baú. Adailton Soares da Silva, 45, condutor do Toyota Corolla placa MMY-7526 de João Monlevade, contou para a Polícia Militar que trafegava pela avenida quando deparou com a vítima atravessando a via. Ao perceber a aproximação do veículo, segundo o condutor, a vítima teria ficado parada sem reação. Com a pista molhada, o condutor alegou que não conseguiu parar o veículo e o atropelamento foi inevitável. O impacto foi tão violento que Manoel Xisto foi arremessado sobre o capô e parabrisas do veículo, que ficaram danificados, em seguida caiu ao solo. Ele sofreu ferimentos graves e foi socorrido ao Hospital Margarida por uma ambulância da ArcelorMittal, acionada pelo condutor do Corolla. Na unidade de saúde, a vítima foi atendida pelo médico de plantão Dr.Tiago Andrade, que constatou traumatismo craniano. Várias ocorrências de atropelamentos já foram registradas no local, alguns deles com vítimas fatais. No ano passado o Setor de Trânsito da Prefeitura (Setttran), colocou placas de sinalização indicando a existência de quebra-molas, mas até o momento os redutores não foram instalados.
New Trends in Securities Class Action Suits
Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.00 0 komentarThe article, and the underlying study provide an excellent analysis of those cases, and the trend over the years of filings, settlements and awards.
The full details are at 2012 Trends in Securities Class Actions
Homem encontrado morto no porta malas do carro na Serra do Macuco
Diposting oleh Unknown di 04.43 0 komentar
Bell Silva - A Polícia Militar de São Domingos do Prata foi acionada na tarde de domingo, 27, por volta das 14h, onde segundo informações havia um veículo Fiat Uno Mille placa HIA-4518, de São José do Goiabal, abandonado em uma estrada de terra localizada as margens da BR-262, no trecho conhecido como Serra do Macuco, e que no porta malas do veículo havia um corpo. Já no local a polícia constatou o fato e preservou a área até achegada da perita Cristiane Sales, da Polícia Civil de João Monlevade, que identificou a vítima como sendo Lucélio Aparecido Socorro da Cruz, 27, natural de São José do Goiabal. A perita constatou que a vítima foi assassinada com um tiro no lado direito do tórax e apresentava vários ferimentos no rosto. Segundo relatos de algumas testemunhas, que conheciam a vítima, Lucélio costumava se envolver com mulheres comprometidas e que esse poderia ter sido o motivo do crime. A polícia constatou ainda que Lucélio foi morto em outro local e colocado no porta malas e posteriormente, uma vez que o corpo estava sujo de areia branca e no compartimento não havia sinais de sangue. Segundo informações, a vítima teria saído de casa no sábado por volta das 21h para ir a uma festa na cidade de Rio Casca, usando o carro do pai. O corpo foi encaminhado pela Funerária Minas Pax ao necrotério do Cemitério do Baú.
Escort roda na pista e bate com carreta na BR-381, em Nova Era
Diposting oleh Unknown di 03.55 0 komentar
Google’s approach to government requests for user data
Minggu, 27 Januari 2013 Diposting oleh Unknown di 21.52 0 komentar
Today, January 28, is Data Privacy Day, when the world recognizes the importance of preserving your online privacy and security.
If it’s like most other days, Google—like many companies that provide online services to users—will receive dozens of letters, faxes and emails from government agencies and courts around the world requesting access to our users’ private account information. Typically this happens in connection with government investigations.
It’s important for law enforcement agencies to pursue illegal activity and keep the public safe. We’re a law-abiding company, and we don’t want our services to be used in harmful ways. But it’s just as important that laws protect you against overly broad requests for your personal information.
To strike this balance, we’re focused on three initiatives that I’d like to share, so you know what Google is doing to protect your privacy and security.
First, for several years we have advocated for updating laws like the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act, so the same protections that apply to your personal documents that you keep in your home also apply to your email and online documents. We’ll continue this effort strongly in 2013 through our membership in the Digital Due Process coalition and other initiatives.
Second, we’ll continue our long-standing strict process for handling these kinds of requests. When government agencies ask for our users’ personal information—like what you provide when you sign up for a Google Account, or the contents of an email—our team does several things:
We’re proud of our approach, and we believe it’s the right way to make sure governments can pursue legitimate investigations while we do our best to protect your privacy and security.
Posted by David Drummond, Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer
If it’s like most other days, Google—like many companies that provide online services to users—will receive dozens of letters, faxes and emails from government agencies and courts around the world requesting access to our users’ private account information. Typically this happens in connection with government investigations.
It’s important for law enforcement agencies to pursue illegal activity and keep the public safe. We’re a law-abiding company, and we don’t want our services to be used in harmful ways. But it’s just as important that laws protect you against overly broad requests for your personal information.
To strike this balance, we’re focused on three initiatives that I’d like to share, so you know what Google is doing to protect your privacy and security.
First, for several years we have advocated for updating laws like the U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act, so the same protections that apply to your personal documents that you keep in your home also apply to your email and online documents. We’ll continue this effort strongly in 2013 through our membership in the Digital Due Process coalition and other initiatives.
Second, we’ll continue our long-standing strict process for handling these kinds of requests. When government agencies ask for our users’ personal information—like what you provide when you sign up for a Google Account, or the contents of an email—our team does several things:
- We scrutinize the request carefully to make sure it satisfies the law and our policies. For us to consider complying, it generally must be made in writing, signed by an authorized official of the requesting agency and issued under an appropriate law.
- We evaluate the scope of the request. If it’s overly broad, we may refuse to provide the information or seek to narrow the request. We do this frequently.
- We notify users about legal demands when appropriate so that they can contact the entity requesting it or consult a lawyer. Sometimes we can’t, either because we’re legally prohibited (in which case we sometimes seek to lift gag orders or unseal search warrants) or we don’t have their verified contact information.
- We require that government agencies conducting criminal investigations use a search warrant to compel us to provide a user’s search query information and private content stored in a Google Account—such as Gmail messages, documents, photos and YouTube videos. We believe a warrant is required by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable search and seizure and overrides conflicting provisions in ECPA.
We’re proud of our approach, and we believe it’s the right way to make sure governments can pursue legitimate investigations while we do our best to protect your privacy and security.
Posted by David Drummond, Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer
Prefeitura vai ajudar na organização da Cavalgada de Monlevade
Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.53 0 komentar
Homem encontrado morto dentro do porta malas próximo a São Domingos do Prata
Diposting oleh Unknown di 14.35 0 komentarUm homem foi encontrado morto, na madrugada desse domingo, dentro do porta malas de um carro, as margens da BR-262, em São Domingos do Prata na localidade conhecida como Serra do Macuco. Segundo informações, a vítima teria saído de São José do Goiabal para participar de uma festa na cidade de Rio Casca. O corpo do homem apresentava várias perfurações provenientes de arma de arma de fogo. Matéria completa logo mais no site O Popular de João Monlevade.
Jovem de 16 anos é morta com sete tiros no Distrito de Vargem Linda
Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013 Diposting oleh Unknown di 08.13 0 komentarUma irmã da vítima, de apenas 10 anos de idade, e a mãe dela também foram alvejadas durante o crime. O suspeito do homicídio, segundo a polícia, é o namorado da vítima.
Bell Silva - A Polícia Militar de São Domingos do Prata registrou mais um homicídio no Distrito de Vargem Linda, que chocou a região. O crime ocorreu na noite dessa sexta-feira (25), por volta das 22h40. A vítima Larissa de Oliveira Souza, 16 anos, foi morta com pelo menos sete tiros, sendo um no abdômen e seis nos membros inferiores. A mãe dela, Mercês Maria de Oliveira, 47, também foi baleada e transferida, em estado grave, para o Hospital João XXIII, em Belo Horizonte. Raiara de Oliveira Santos, 10 anos, irmã da vítima, levou um tiro de raspão, na perna e passa bem. Alailton de Souza, 18 anos, irmão de Larissa que tem passagem pela polícia por causa de drogas, contou para a polícia que ela (Larissa), vinha recebendo ameaças da mulher de seu namorado, identificado como “Tiago”, sendo ele inclusive um dos suspeitos do crime. Ainda segundo informações, o motivo do homicídio seria passional, uma vez que Thiago suspeitava que Larissa o traía. A polícia recolheu cápsulas de pistola 380 no local do crime. Larissa chegou a ser socorrida ao hospital de São Domingos do Prata, mas já chegou sem vida a unidade de saúde. Segundo a PM, dois homens em um veículo Monza teria se aproximado do veículo das vítimas, um Fiat Uno, quando elas seguiam de Vargem Linda para a localidade de Teixeira. O carona que estava no Monza teria efetuado os disparos. O corpo de Larissa foi liberado para o necrotério do cemitério do Baú. O sepultamento, segundo familiares deve ocorrer na Vargem Linda. Segundo o Tenente Sílvio, comandante da Polícia Militar de São Domingos do Prata, as buscas pelos suspeitos continuam e toda a polícia da região está empenhada para capturar os autores. “A Patrulha rural da Polícia Militar de São Domingos do Prata tem feito um patrulhamento intenso nos Distritos da Cidade, no dia a dia. Temos uma área territorial muito grande e não tem como estar presente em todos os locais ao mesmo tempo. Crimes como este ocorrido na noite de ontem, é uma situação imprevisível em que a polícia não sabe quando nem onde irá ocorrer. Estamos empenhados em localizar o autor e esperamos fazer isso o mais breve possível”, disse o tenente Sílvio.
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Polícia Civil de Itabira recupera carro roubado em João Monlevade
Diposting oleh Unknown di 02.45 0 komentar
(Fotos Átila Lemos)
Gol capota na BR-381 e deixa cinco feridos, um deles em estado grave.
Jumat, 25 Januari 2013 Diposting oleh Unknown di 10.32 0 komentarPolícia Militar de João Monlevade prende um dos maiores traficantes da Cidade
Diposting oleh Unknown di 04.38 0 komentar

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Diposting oleh Unknown di 04.31 0 komentarFox roda na pista e bate de frente em Uno na BR-381
Kamis, 24 Januari 2013 Diposting oleh Unknown di 16.27 0 komentar

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(Fotos: Socorro Carretão)
Moto bate em Vectra na Louis Ensch
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