Two Executives Sued in Texas to Recover Bonuses and Stock Profits Received During Accounting Fraud

Senin, 09 April 2012
Two former executives at an Austin, Texas-based surgical products manufacturer were sued today by the SEC to recover bonus compensation and stock sale profits they received during an accounting fraud at the company. The CEO and CFO of the company have not been charged with personal misconduct, but are still required to reimburse the manufacturer for bonuses and stock profits that they received after the company filed fraudulent financial statements..

"Clawback of incentive compensation and stock sale profits as authorized under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is yet another reason for CEOs and CFOs to be vigilant in preventing misconduct and requiring that companies comply with financial reporting obligations," said Robert Khuzami, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement.

Two Executives Sued in Texas to Recover Bonuses and Stock Profits Received During Accounting Fraud

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